troubled waters
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troubled waters — noun plural : a situation or condition of disorder or confusion a mischievous rogue ready to make the most of troubled waters * * * a difficult situation or time * * * troubled waters : a difficult or confusing situation He entered the troubled… … Useful english dictionary
troubled waters — Digest 20/2002 emotionally rough times or an unsettled situation The boy has been arrested repeatedly and has been in and out of jail for months. He s deep in troubled waters. The expression uses the metaphor of rough (troubled) water. See: pour… … Idioms and examples
troubled waters — See: POUR OIL ON TROUBLED WATERS … Dictionary of American idioms
troubled waters — a confused or chaotic state of affairs: The situation was terrible, but like many politicians he was attracted by troubled waters. [1575 85] * * * … Universalium
troubled\ waters — See: pour oil on troubled waters … Словарь американских идиом
troubled waters — /trʌbəld ˈwɔtəz/ (say trubuhld wawtuhz) plural noun 1. a confused or disordered state of affairs; a state of unrest. –phrase 2. pour oil on troubled waters, to reconcile people who might otherwise have had a clash of interests, points of view,… …
Troubled waters (disambiguation) — Troubled waters may refer to: * Troubled Waters , an anthology of short fiction in the Merovingen Nights science fiction series * Troubled Waters (film) , the 1936 film * Troubled Waters (2006 film) * Troubled Waters , a song on the album Music… … Wikipedia
pour oil on troubled waters — see under ↑water • • • Main Entry: ↑pour pour oil on troubled waters To take measures to calm down a stormy state of affairs, from the effect of pouring oil on rough water • • • Main Entry: ↑water * * * pour oil on troubled waters phrase to try… … Useful english dictionary
pour oil on troubled waters — If someone pours oil on troubled waters, they try to calm things down. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If a person pours oil on troubled waters, they do or say something to calm a tense situation. James is a good negotiator, and is … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
fish in troubled waters — Someone who fishes in troubled waters tries to takes advantage of a shaky or unstable situation. The extremists were fishing in troubled waters during the political uncertainty in the country … The small dictionary of idiomes