throw one's hat in the ring

throw one's hat in the ring
toss one's hat into the ring & throw one's hat in the ring
Fig. to announce that one is running for an elective office. •

Jane wanted to run for treasurer, so she tossed her hat into the ring.

I won't throw my hat into the ring until the last minute.

* * *
or[toss one's hat in the ring] {v. phr.}, {informal} To announce that you are going to try to be elected to an official position; become a candidate for office. * /Bill tossed his hat in the ring for class president./ * /The senator threw his hat in the ring for re-election./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • throw\ one's\ hat\ in\ the\ ring — • throw one s hat in the ring • toss one s hat in the ring v. phr. informal To announce that you are going to try to be elected to an official position; become a candidate for office. Bill tossed his hat in the ring for class president. The… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • throw one's hat into the ring — see under ↑ring1 • • • Main Entry: ↑hat throw one s hat into the ring (informal) 1. To offer oneself as a candidate or challenger 2. To issue a challenge, institute an attack • • • Main Entry: ↑ring …   Useful english dictionary

  • throw one's hat into the ring — ► throw one s hat into the ring express willingness to take up a challenge. Main Entry: ↑hat …   English terms dictionary

  • throw one's hat in the ring — or[toss one s hat in the ring] {v. phr.}, {informal} To announce that you are going to try to be elected to an official position; become a candidate for office. * /Bill tossed his hat in the ring for class president./ * /The senator threw his hat …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • throw one's hat in the ring — phrasal see have one s hat in the ring * * * I throw one s hat in (or into) the ring express willingness to take up a challenge, esp. to enter a political race II see hat …   Useful english dictionary

  • throw one’s hat in the ring — tv. to indicate that one is to be a contestant or a candidate. □ The con claimed he needed parole so he could throw his hat in the ring for the mayoral election. □ I won’t throw my hat into the ring until the last minute …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • throw one's hat in the ring — verb To announce ones candidacy in a contest At that time her chances had been excellent. But then two other people had thrown their hats in the ring, Joan Voller and Sidney Hamilton, and both of them were colleagues on State Executive …   Wiktionary

  • toss\ one's\ hat\ in\ the\ ring — • throw one s hat in the ring • toss one s hat in the ring v. phr. informal To announce that you are going to try to be elected to an official position; become a candidate for office. Bill tossed his hat in the ring for class president. The… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • throw one's hat into the ring — express willingness to take up a challenge. → hat …   English new terms dictionary

  • have one's hat in the ring — phrasal or throw one s hat in the ring or toss one s hat in the ring : to announce one s entry or readiness to enter into a fight or contest (as for elective office) …   Useful english dictionary

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