take\ down\ a\ notch — • take down a notch • take down a peg v. phr. informal To make (someone) less proud or sure of himself. The team was feeling proud of its record, but last week the boys were taken down a peg by a bad defeat … Словарь американских идиом
take down a notch — make someone less proud or sure of himself He was taken down a notch by his boss because he was beginning to act in an arrogant manner … Idioms and examples
take down a notch — or[take down a peg] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make (someone) less proud or sure of himself. * /The team was feeling proud of its record, but last week the boys were taken down a peg by a bad defeat./ … Dictionary of American idioms
take down a notch peg — make someone less proud or sure of himself He was taken down a notch by his boss because he was beginning to act in an arrogant manner … Idioms and examples
take\ down\ a\ peg — • take down a notch • take down a peg v. phr. informal To make (someone) less proud or sure of himself. The team was feeling proud of its record, but last week the boys were taken down a peg by a bad defeat … Словарь американских идиом
take down — {v.} 1. To write or record (what is said). * /I will tell you how to get to the place; you had better take it down./ 2. To pull to pieces; take apart. * /It will be a big job to take that tree down./ * /In the evening the campers put up a tent,… … Dictionary of American idioms
take down — {v.} 1. To write or record (what is said). * /I will tell you how to get to the place; you had better take it down./ 2. To pull to pieces; take apart. * /It will be a big job to take that tree down./ * /In the evening the campers put up a tent,… … Dictionary of American idioms
take\ down — v 1. To write or record (what is said). I will tell you how to get to the place; you had better take it down. 2. To pull to pieces; take apart. It will be a big job to take that tree down. In the evening the campers put up a tent, and the next… … Словарь американских идиом
take — takable, takeable, adj. taker, n. /tayk/, v., took, taken, taking, n. v.t. 1. to get into one s hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write. 2. to hold, grasp, or grip: to take a book … Universalium
put down — verb 1. cause to sit or seat or be in a settled position or place (Freq. 6) set down your bags here • Syn: ↑set down, ↑place down • Hypernyms: ↑put, ↑set, ↑place, ↑ … Useful english dictionary