take by storm

take by storm
{v. phr.} 1. To capture by a sudden or very bold attack. * /The army did not hesitate. They took the town by storm./ 2. To win the favor or liking of; make (a group of people) like or believe you. * /The comic took the audience by storm./ * /John gave Jane so much attention that he took her by storm, and she said she would marry him./ Compare: MAKE A HIT.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • take by storm — 1. To take by assault 2. To captivate totally and instantly (figurative) • • • Main Entry: ↑storm * * * take (something) by storm 1 : to quickly become very successful or popular in (a particular place) or among (a particular group) The writer… …   Useful english dictionary

  • take by storm — To take by storm means to captivate eg. A new play that took New York City by storm …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • take by storm — ► take by storm 1) capture (a place) by a sudden and violent attack. 2) have great and rapid success in (a place). Main Entry: ↑storm …   English terms dictionary

  • take by storm — • take (smth) by storm • sweep (smth) by storm 1. Capture by a sudden or very bold attack. The army took the town by storm and was easily able to capture all of the enemy troops. 2. Win the favor of, become popular with a group of people. The… …   Idioms and examples

  • take by storm — take (someone/something) by storm to be suddenly and extremely successful. The Beatles took the US by storm in the early 1960s …   New idioms dictionary

  • take by storm — {v. phr.} 1. To capture by a sudden or very bold attack. * /The army did not hesitate. They took the town by storm./ 2. To win the favor or liking of; make (a group of people) like or believe you. * /The comic took the audience by storm./ * /John …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take\ by\ storm — v. phr. 1. To capture by a sudden or very bold attack. The army did not hesitate. they took the town by storm. 2. To win the favor or liking of; make (a group of people) like or believe you. The comic took the audience by storm. John gave Jane so …   Словарь американских идиом

  • take by storm — verb /ˌteɪk baɪ ˈstɔːm,ˌteɪk baɪ ˈstɔːrm/ a) To capture by force. The soldiers took the castle by storm. b) To rapidly gain popularity in a place. Beatlemania took England and Europe by storm and proceeded to inundate American teenagers …   Wiktionary

  • take by storm — Synonyms and related words: abduct, board, breeze, carry by storm, carry off, escalade, foray, inroad, inundate, invade, kidnap, make a raid, make an inroad, overwhelm, raid, romp home, scale, scale the walls, shanghai, storm, throttle, walk off… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • take by storm — rush in, win by force, overwhelm    The Vikings landed on the beach and took the village by storm …   English idioms

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