slug it out

slug it out
slug it out
to fight something out; to argue intensely about something. •

They finally went outside to slug it out.

We'll just have to sit down in the conference room and slug it out.

* * *
{v. phr.} To have a strong verbal or physical battle with someone; to contest something most vigorously. * /The two contenders for the lightweight boxing championship were slugging it out in the ring./ * /The two candidates for Congress were slugging it out on radio and on television./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • slug it out — {v. phr.} To have a strong verbal or physical battle with someone; to contest something most vigorously. * /The two contenders for the lightweight boxing championship were slugging it out in the ring./ * /The two candidates for Congress were… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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  • slug\ it\ out — v. phr. To have a strong verbal or physical battle with someone; to contest something most vigorously. The two contenders for the lightweight boxing championship were slugging it out in the ring. The two candidates for Congress were slugging it… …   Словарь американских идиом

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