run through

run through
{v.} 1. To make a hole through, especially with a sword; pierce. * /The pirate was a good swordsman, but the hero finally ran him through./ 2. To spend recklessly; use up wastefully. * /The rich man's son quickly ran through his money./ Syn.: GO THROUGH(4). 3. To read or practice from beginning to end without stopping. * /The visiting singer ran through his numbers with the orchestra just before the program./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • run-through — /run throoh /, n. 1. the performing of a sequence of designated actions, esp. as a trial prior to actual performance; rehearsal; practice. 2. a quick outline or review: a run through of his medical history. adj. 3. (of a freight train) made up of …   Universalium

  • run-through — run throughs N COUNT A run through for a show or event is a practice for it. Charles and Eddie are getting ready for their final run through before the evening s recording. Syn: rehearsal …   English dictionary

  • run-through — n a short practice before a performance, test etc →↑rehearsal ▪ a final run through of the play …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • run-through — [run′thro͞o΄] n. a rehearsal, as of a dramatic or musical work or section, straight through from beginning to end …   English World dictionary

  • run through — ► run through 1) stab so as to kill. 2) (also run over) go over quickly or briefly as a rehearsal or reminder. Main Entry: ↑run …   English terms dictionary

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  • run-through — run′ through n. 1) a trial or practice performance, esp. an uninterrupted rehearsal of a play 2) a quick outline or review • Etymology: 1920–25 …   From formal English to slang

  • run through — [v] use up; waste blow, consume, dissipate, exhaust, expend, finish, fritter away, lose, spend, squander, throw away, wash up; concept 156 Ant. hoard, save …   New thesaurus

  • run-through — ► NOUN 1) a rehearsal. 2) a brief outline or summary …   English terms dictionary

  • run through — verb 1. apply thoroughly; think through (Freq. 4) We worked through an example • Syn: ↑work through, ↑go through • Derivationally related forms: ↑run through • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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