rear its head

rear its head
{v. phr.} To appear; emerge. * /After decades of certainty that tuberculosis had been eradicated globally, it suddenly reared its ugly head right here in the United States./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • rear its head — rear its (ugly) head to become a problem that has to be dealt with. It was in the 1970s that the problem of violent soccer fans first reared its head in Britain …   New idioms dictionary

  • rear its head — {v. phr.} To appear; emerge. * /After decades of certainty that tuberculosis had been eradicated globally, it suddenly reared its ugly head right here in the United States./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • rear\ its\ head — v. phr. To appear; emerge. After decades of certainty that tuberculosis had been eradicated globally, it suddenly reared its ugly head right here in the United States …   Словарь американских идиом

  • rear its ugly head — (figurative) (of a question, situation, etc) to arise unwelcomely • • • Main Entry: ↑rear * * * rear its ugly head see ↑head, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑rear rear its ugly head see ↑head …   Useful english dictionary

  • rear its (ugly) head — phrase to appear and cause problems Racism once again reared its ugly head during the election campaign. Thesaurus: to cause problems for someone or somethingsynonym to appear and appearancesynonym Main entry: rear …   Useful english dictionary

  • rear its ugly head — rear its (ugly) head to become a problem that has to be dealt with. It was in the 1970s that the problem of violent soccer fans first reared its head in Britain …   New idioms dictionary

  • rear its (ugly) head — raise/rear its (ugly) head if something unpleasant raises its ugly head, it becomes a problem that people have to deal with. All over Europe, racism is rearing its ugly head once more …   New idioms dictionary

  • rear its ugly head —    If something unpleasant reappears after lying dormant for some time, itrears its ugly head.     It is feared that fascism is rearing its ugly head again in some countries …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • rear one's head — raise one s head ■ rear its head (of an unpleasant matter) emerge; present itself elitism is rearing its ugly head again …   Useful english dictionary

  • rear/raise its ugly head — ◇ If something bad rears/raises its ugly head, it suddenly becomes obvious or causes trouble. Inflation threatened to rear its ugly head. • • • Main Entry: ↑head …   Useful english dictionary

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