play footsie

play footsie
{v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. Touch the feet of a member of the opposite sex under the table as an act of flirtation. * /Have you at least played footsie with her?/ 2. To engage in any sort of flirtation or collaboration, especially in a political situation. * /The mayor was suspected of playing footsie with the Syndicate./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • play footsie — ( ● foot * * * touch someone s feet in such a way ■ work with someone in a close but covert way the FBI reported that the delegate was playing footsie with the Soviets * * * play footsie informal 1 : to secretly touch another person s foot with… …   Useful english dictionary

  • play footsie —    If you play footsie with someone, you touch their feet lightly, especially under the table, to show your interest.     Pete says they were playing footsie at the office Christmas lunch …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • play footsie with someone — play footsie with (someone) mainly American to be involved with a person or an organization secretly, because you know that other people will not approve. The government never forgave him for playing footsie with the terrorists …   New idioms dictionary

  • play footsie with — (someone) mainly American to be involved with a person or an organization secretly, because you know that other people will not approve. The government never forgave him for playing footsie with the terrorists …   New idioms dictionary

  • play footsie with someone — informal phrase to show sexual interest in someone by touching their feet with yours, usually under a table Thesaurus: to start a romantic or sexual relationshipsynonym Main entry: footsie …   Useful english dictionary

  • play footsie with somebody — play ˈfootsie with sb idiom to touch sb s feet lightly with your own feet, especially under a table, as an expression of affection or sexual interest Main entry: ↑footsieidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • play footsie(s) with — idi+inf play footsie(s) with a) to flirt with, esp. by furtively touching someone s foot or leg b) to engage in clandestine or illicit relations with …   From formal English to slang

  • play footsie — {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. Touch the feet of a member of the opposite sex under the table as an act of flirtation. * /Have you at least played footsie with her?/ 2. To engage in any sort of flirtation or collaboration, especially in a… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • play\ footsie — v. phr. slang informal 1. touch the feet of a member of the opposite sex under the table as an act of flirtation. Have you at least played footsie with her? 2. To engage in any sort of flirtation or collaboration, especially in a political… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • play footsie — 1) touch the feet of a member of the opposite sex under the table while flirting The couple in the restaurant were playing footsie under the table during their dinner. 2) engage in any kind of collaboration or flirtation especially in a political …   Idioms and examples

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