packed (in) like sardines

packed (in) like sardines
packed (in) like sardines
Fig. packed very tightly. •

It was terribly crowded there. We were packed in like sardines.

The bus was full. The passengers were packed like sardines.

* * *
{adj. phr.} So tightly crowded that there is hardly room to turn. * /The trains are so full during rush hour that we must go to work packed in like sardines./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • packed (in) like sardines — {adj. phr.} So tightly crowded that there is hardly room to turn. * /The trains are so full during rush hour that we must go to work packed in like sardines./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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  • packed\ in\ like\ sardines — adj. phr. So tightly crowded that there is hardly room to turn. The trains are so full during rush hour that we must go to work packed in like sardines …   Словарь американских идиом

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  • packed\ like\ sardines — adj. phr. So tightly crowded that there is hardly room to turn. The trains are so full during rush hour that we must go to work packed in like sardines …   Словарь американских идиом

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