out on parole
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out on parole — {adv. phr.} Released from prison but still under the supervision of the police. * /Although Henry is out on parole he must watch his step very carefully. If he commits another burglary he may have to go to jail for a very long time./ … Dictionary of American idioms
out\ on\ parole — adv. phr. Released from prison but still under the supervision of the police. Although Henry is out on parole he must watch his step very carefully. If he commits another burglary he may have to go to jail for a very long time … Словарь американских идиом
Parole — Pa*role , n. [F. parole. See {Parley}, and cf. {Parol}.] 1. A word; an oral utterance. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] 2. Word of promise; word of honor; plighted faith; especially (Mil.), promise, upon one s faith and honor, to fulfill stated conditions,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Parole Board of Canada — The Parole Board of Canada (formerly known as the National Parole Board) is a Canadian government agency that operates under the auspices of Public Safety Canada. The National Parole Board was created in 1959 under the Parole Act. The Board… … Wikipedia
parole — 01. The prisoner was released on [parole] after seven years in prison. 02. A convicted rapist apparently sexually assaulted an old woman while out on [parole]. 03. The inmate was [paroled] for good behavior after serving only half his sentence.… … Grammatical examples in English
parole — I UK [pəˈrəʊl] / US [pəˈroʊl] noun Word forms parole : singular parole plural paroles 1) a) [uncountable] permission for a prisoner to leave prison before the official time if they promise to obey particular rules on parole: He could be out on… … English dictionary
parole — pa|role1 [ pə roul ] noun uncount permission for a prisoner to leave prison before the official time if they promise to obey particular rules: on parole: He could be out on parole in two years. a. count the period during which a prisoner who is… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
parole — [pəˈrəʊl] noun [U] I permission for a prisoner to leave prison before the official time, if they promise to obey particular rules He could be out on parole in two years.[/ex] II verb [T] parole [pəˈrəʊl] to give a prisoner parole … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
parole — pa·role /pə rōl/ n [Old French, speech, word, prisoner s word of honor to fulfill stated conditions, from Late Latin parabola speech, parable, from Greek parabolē comparison]: a conditional release of a prisoner who has served part of a sentence… … Law dictionary
parole board — essentially an advisory body set up to assist the Home Secretary in granting prisoners early release and in deciding to recall those out on licence. Originating in England in the Criminal Justice Act 1967, the board has a supporting network of… … Law dictionary