open its doors

open its doors
{v. phr.} 1. To allow someone or something to enter or join; become open. * /That college was started for women only, but a few years ago it opened its doors to men./ 2. To begin doing business; open. * /Proffitts Department Store is having a birthday sale; it first opened its doors fifty years ago this month./ Contrast: CLOSE ITS DOORS.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • open its doors — open its/the/doors phrase if a building, organization, or country opens its doors, it allows people to enter, especially for the first time open its/the/doors to: The country has slow …   Useful english dictionary

  • open its doors — {v. phr.} 1. To allow someone or something to enter or join; become open. * /That college was started for women only, but a few years ago it opened its doors to men./ 2. To begin doing business; open. * /Proffitts Department Store is having a… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • open\ its\ doors — v. phr. 1. To allow someone or something to enter or join; become open. That college was started for women only, but a few years ago it opened its doors to men. 2. To begin doing business; open. Proffitts Department Store is having a birthday… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • open your doors — 1 : to allow someone to enter The country has opened its doors to immigrants. local churches that open their doors to the homeless in the winter months [=that let homeless people stay there] 2 of a business or organization : to open for business …   Useful english dictionary

  • open the doors — phrasal 1. : to accept enrollments 2. : to initiate business operations; especially : to begin to make sales * * * open its/the/doors phr …   Useful english dictionary

  • close its doors — {v. phr.} 1. To keep someone or something from entering or joining; become closed. * /The club has closed its doors to new members./ 2. To fail as a business; go bankrupt. * /The fire was so damaging that the store had to close its doors./ *… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • close its doors — {v. phr.} 1. To keep someone or something from entering or joining; become closed. * /The club has closed its doors to new members./ 2. To fail as a business; go bankrupt. * /The fire was so damaging that the store had to close its doors./ *… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • close\ its\ doors — v. phr. 1. To keep someone or something from entering or joining; become closed. The club has closed its doors to new members. 2. To fail as a business; go bankrupt. The fire was so damaging that the store had to close its doors. Business was so… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • open — /ˈoʊpən / (say ohpuhn) adjective 1. not shut, as a door, gate, etc. 2. not closed, covered, or shut up, as a house, box, drawer, etc. 3. not enclosed as by barriers, as a space. 4. that may be entered, used, shared, competed for, etc., by all: an …  

  • open — openly, adv. openness, n. /oh peuhn/, adj. 1. not closed or barred at the time, as a doorway by a door, a window by a sash, or a gateway by a gate: to leave the windows open at night. 2. (of a door, gate, window sash, or the like) set so as to… …   Universalium

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