not all there
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not all there — If someone isn t all there, they are a little bit stupid or crazy … The small dictionary of idiomes
not all there — not mentally clear. He has periods when he s just not all there, which is a common symptom of his condition … New idioms dictionary
not all there — (of a person) not fully alert and functioning he s not all there. Give him a couple of days to readjust * * * not all there informal used to describe a person who is somewhat strange or stupid Her aunt is very sweet but not all there (mentally).… … Useful english dictionary
not all there — If someone isn t all there, they are a little bit stupid or crazy. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** Someone who is not all there behaves strangely at times, or seems a bit odd. Our new neighbour wears a hat and coat even in summer;… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
not all there — mod. crazy; stupid acting. □ Tom’s not all there. Really dense. □ You can’t depend on Paul for much help. He’s really not all there … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
not all there — {adj. phr.} Not completely alert mentally; absentminded; not together. * /Bill is a wonderful guy but he is just not all there./ … Dictionary of American idioms
not\ all\ there — adj. phr. Not completely alert mentally; absentminded; not together. Bill is a wonderful guy but he is just not all there … Словарь американских идиом
not all there — retarded, slow to learn, one brick short... Sometimes Vincent acts kind of strange like he s not all there … English idioms
not all there — stupid or confused It describes a mental state, not that of an amputee: That poor creature who s not quite all there. (Christie, 1940) Atypically, all there means keenly intelligent … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
Not all there — If someone isn t all there, they are a little bit stupid or crazy … Dictionary of English idioms