money to burn

money to burn
{n. phr.}, {informal} Very much money, more than is needed. * /Dick's uncle died and left him money to burn./ * /When Joe is twenty-one he will have money to burn./ * /Jean is looking for a husband with money to burn./ Compare: MADE OF MONEY.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • money to burn — (money) to burn (money) in great abundance • • • Main Entry: ↑burn * * * money to burn see ↑money • • • Main Entry: ↑burn money to burn informal : a large amount of money to spend expensive cars for people with money to burn …   Useful english dictionary

  • Money to Burn — Single by Richard Ashcroft from the album Alone with Everybody B side Leave Me High , XXYY Released 12 June 2000 …   Wikipedia

  • money to burn — If someone is very rich, they have money to burn …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • (money) to burn — (money) in great abundance ● burn …   Useful english dictionary

  • money to burn — {n. phr.}, {informal} Very much money, more than is needed. * /Dick s uncle died and left him money to burn./ * /When Joe is twenty one he will have money to burn./ * /Jean is looking for a husband with money to burn./ Compare: MADE OF MONEY …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • money\ to\ burn — n. phr. informal Very much money, more than is needed. Dick s uncle died and left him money to burn. When Joe is twenty one he will have money to burn. Jean is looking for a husband with money to burn. Compare: made of money …   Словарь американских идиом

  • money to burn —    If someone is very rich, they have money to burn.   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***    People who have money to burn have so much money that they can spend it on anything they want.     A leather jacket is no problem for Sarah. She s got… …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • money to burn — lots of money, filthy rich    They ve got money to burn, so why do they drive that old car? …   English idioms

  • money to burn — have very much money, have more than is needed He has money to burn and never has to worry about working …   Idioms and examples

  • Money to burn —   If someone is very rich, they have money to burn …   Dictionary of English idioms

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