make a move

make a move
{v. phr.} 1. To budge; change places. * /"If you make a move," the masked gangster said, "I'll start shooting."/ 2. To go home after dinner or a party. * /"I guess it's time to make a move," Roy said at the end of the party./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • Make a Move on Me — Single by Olivia Newton John from the album Physical Released …   Wikipedia

  • Make Your Move — is a pricing game on the American television game show The Price Is Right . Debuting on the Season 18 premiere on September 11, 1989, it is played for three prizes – one small prize (worth up to $99), a prize worth between $100 and $999, and a… …   Wikipedia

  • Make My Move — Studio album by Jason Blaine Released May 20, 2008 …   Wikipedia

  • make a move on — or put the moves on (slang, esp US) To make sexual advances to • • • Main Entry: ↑move * * * make a move on (or put the moves on) informal make a proposition to (someone), esp. of a sexual nature …   Useful english dictionary

  • make your move — make (your/its) move to do something to achieve a result. My father always waited to buy our Christmas tree, and I worried that by the time he made his move the best trees would be gone. The Federal Reserve made its move yesterday, cutting… …   New idioms dictionary

  • make its move — make (your/its) move to do something to achieve a result. My father always waited to buy our Christmas tree, and I worried that by the time he made his move the best trees would be gone. The Federal Reserve made its move yesterday, cutting… …   New idioms dictionary

  • make a move on — ► make a move on (or put the moves on) informal make a proposition of a sexual nature to. Main Entry: ↑move …   English terms dictionary

  • make no move — phrase to do nothing She made no move to help with the cleaning. Thesaurus: to not act, or to not do somethingsynonym Main entry: move …   Useful english dictionary

  • make a move on — (someone) informal to try to start a romantic or sexual relationship with someone. As soon as Ellen left the room, her boyfriend made a move on me …   New idioms dictionary

  • make a move — ► make a move 1) take action. 2) Brit. set off; leave somewhere. Main Entry: ↑move …   English terms dictionary

  • make a move — 1) to change position, or to move in a particular way or direction Don t make a move; they ll see you. make a move for/towards: He made a quick move for his gun. 2) to start doing something to achieve an aim or solve a problem No one made a move… …   English dictionary

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