lord it over

lord it over
{v. phr.} To act as the superior and master of; dominate; be bossy over; control. * /John learned early to lord it over other children./ * /The office manager lorded it over the clerks and typists./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • lord it over — (someone) to behave as if you are better than someone else and have the right to tell them what to do. She likes to lord it over the more junior staff in the office …   New idioms dictionary

  • lord it over — {v. phr.} To act as the superior and master of; dominate; be bossy over; control. * /John learned early to lord it over other children./ * /The office manager lorded it over the clerks and typists./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lord\ it\ over — v. phr. To act as the superior and master of; dominate; be bossy over; control. John learned early to lord it over other children. The office manager lorded it over the clerks and typists …   Словарь американских идиом

  • lord it over — act as the superior and master of someone, be bossy over someone She likes to lord it over the other members of the staff since she became a supervisor …   Idioms and examples

  • lord it over — be the boss of, dominate a person/group    When we were boys, my older brother tried to lord it over me …   English idioms

  • lord it over someone — lord it over (someone) to behave as if you are better than someone else and have the right to tell them what to do. She likes to lord it over the more junior staff in the office …   New idioms dictionary

  • lord it over somebody — ˈlord it over sb idiom (disapproving) to act as if you are better or more important than sb • A good manager does not try to lord it over his or her team. Main entry: ↑lordidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • lord it over someone — ORDER ABOUT/AROUND, dictate to, ride roughshod over, pull rank on, tyrannize, have under one s thumb; be overbearing, put on airs, swagger; informal boss about/around, walk all over, push around, throw one s weight about/around. → lord * * * lord …   Useful english dictionary

  • lord it over someone — in our schooldays, you used to lord it over us Syn: order about/around, dictate to, domineer, ride roughshod over, pull rank on, tyrannize, have under one s thumb; informal boss around, walk all over, push around; throw one s weight around …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • lord it over — (also lord over) Rule, rule over, domineer over, play the lord …   New dictionary of synonyms

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