
{adj.}, {slang} Pertaining to classical art forms, primarily in dancing and music. * /Cut out that longhair Mozart Symphony and put on a decent pop record!/

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • longhair — ☆ longhair [lôŋ′her΄ ] n. 1. a domestic cat with fur made up of relatively long hairs 2. Informal a) an intellectual; specif., a longhair musician b) a person, esp. a male, with long hair; specif., a HIPPIE: sometimes used disparagingly adj.… …   English World dictionary

  • longhair — (n.) also long hair, cat with long hair, 1893, from LONG (Cf. long) (adj.) + HAIR (Cf. hair). As intellectual, especially in musical tastes, devotee of classical music, 1920. Sense of hippie attested from 1969 …   Etymology dictionary

  • longhair — /lawng hair , long /, Informal. n. 1. Sometimes Disparaging. an intellectual. 2. a person, often gifted, who is very interested in or devoted to the arts, esp. a performer, composer, or lover of classical music. 3. a person having long hair, esp …   Universalium

  • longhair — 1. n. a highbrow with long hair; especially a musician. □ There were a few longhairs at the bar, but none of the reg lars. □ I am sort of a longhair, but I still watch TV. 2. mod. highbrow; [of music] classical. □ I don’t care for …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • longhair — I. 1. noun slang A male hippie. Who s that longhair? It s Joe. 2. An intellectual who prefers classical music to jazz or acid rock. Catwallender is a regular longhair; he never listens to modern jazz. II. adj slang Pertaining to classical art… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • longhair(1) — 1. {n.}, {slang} A male hippie. * /Who s that longhair? It s Joe./ 2. An intellectual who prefers classical music to jazz or acid rock. * /Catwallender is a regular longhair; he never listens to modern jazz./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • longhair(1) — 1. {n.}, {slang} A male hippie. * /Who s that longhair? It s Joe./ 2. An intellectual who prefers classical music to jazz or acid rock. * /Catwallender is a regular longhair; he never listens to modern jazz./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • longhair(2) — {adj.}, {slang} Pertaining to classical art forms, primarily in dancing and music. * /Cut out that longhair Mozart Symphony and put on a decent pop record!/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • longhair — noun Date: 1920 1. an impractical intellectual 2. a person of artistic gifts or interests; especially a lover of classical music 3. a person with long hair; especially hippie 4. a domestic cat having long outer fur • long haired or longhair… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • longhair — 1. noun a) A person with hair longer than the norm, especially someone viewed as bohemian, non conventional or a hippie. b) A person with a deep interest in the classical arts, especially music. 2. adjective Concerning or characteristic of… …   Wiktionary

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