lit up like a Christmas tree

lit up like a Christmas tree
{adj. phr.}, {informal} To be drunk. * /On New Year's Eve Ned was lit up like a Christmas tree./ Compare: THREE SHEETS TO THE WIND.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • lit up like a Christmas tree — {adj. phr.}, {informal} To be drunk. * /On New Year s Eve Ned was lit up like a Christmas tree./ Compare: THREE SHEETS TO THE WIND …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lit\ up\ like\ a\ Christmas\ tree — adj. phr. informal To be drunk. On New Year s Eve Ned was lit up like a Christmas tree. Compare: three sheets to the wind …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Christmas tree packet — In information technology, a Christmas tree packet is a packet with every single option set for whatever protocol is in use. The term derives from a fanciful image of each little option bit in a header being represented by a different colored… …   Wikipedia

  • Christmas tree — n. a drunkard. (From being lit like a Christmas tree.) □ Some old Christmas tree staggered by, muttering to herself. □ A well dressed Christmas tree sat in the corner lit up, of course …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Christmas tree — For other uses, see Christmas tree (disambiguation). A lit up Christmas Tree with ornaments [1] The Christmas tree, also known as a Yule tree, is a decorated evergreen coniferous tree, real o …   Wikipedia

  • Christmas tree production — Customers haul a harvested Christmas tree at a choose and cut Christmas tree farm in the U.S. state of Maryland. Christmas tree production occurs worldwide on Christmas tree farms, in artificial tree factories and from native stands of pine and… …   Wikipedia

  • lit up — adj a. drunk. Originally an American expression, this phrase derives from the visible effects of alcohol (a glow , red nose, etc.) as well as the sensation of heat and the notion of alcohol as firewater or fuel. Embellishments of this usage are… …   Contemporary slang

  • lit — adj a. drunk. Originally an American expression, this phrase derives from the visible effects of alcohol (a glow , red nose, etc.) as well as the sensation of heat and the notion of alcohol as firewater or fuel. Embellishments of this usage are… …   Contemporary slang

  • lit — 1. n. literature, as a school subject. □ I’m flunking English lit again. □ I hate lit. Give me numbers any day. 2. AND lit up mod. drunk. □ She was always lit by bedtime. □ …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • lit — /lɪt / (say lit) verb 1. past tense and past participle of light1. 2. past tense and past participle of light3. –phrase 3. lit up (like a Christmas tree){{}} (or birthday cake), a. brightly illuminated. b …  

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