
{n.} A systematic or periodical dismissal of employees from a factory or a firm. * /Due to the poor economy, the car manufacturer announced a major layoff starting next month./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • Layoff — (in British[1] and American English), also called redundancy in the UK, is the temporary suspension or permanent termination of employment of an employee or (more commonly) a group of employees for business reasons, such as when certain positions …   Wikipedia

  • layoff — UK US (also lay off) /ˈleɪɒf/ noun [C] HR ► the act of ending a worker s job, sometimes temporarily, usually because there is not enough work to do: »Workers have been warned to expect further layoffs. »Layoff notices are expected when business… …   Financial and business terms

  • layoff — I noun banishment, cashiering, cessation, desistance, discarding, discharge, discontinuance, discontinuation, disemployment, dismissal, displacement, ejection, ejectment, elimination, expulsion, firing, halt, idling, interruption, letting go,… …   Law dictionary

  • layoff — (n.) also lay off, lay off; 1889, rest, respite; from LAY (Cf. lay) (v.) + OFF (Cf. off). Via seasonal labor with periodic down time, it came to have a sense of temporary release from employment, and by 1960s was being used somewhat… …   Etymology dictionary

  • layoff — [n] dismissal from job or responsibility cutback, discharge, early retirement, respite, unemployment; concept 351 Ant. employment, hiring …   New thesaurus

  • layoff — ☆ layoff [lā′ôf΄ ] n. [< phr. LAY OFF (see LAY1)] the act of laying off; esp., temporary unemployment, or the period of this …   English World dictionary

  • layoff — {n.} A systematic or periodical dismissal of employees from a factory or a firm. * /Due to the poor economy, the car manufacturer announced a major layoff starting next month./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • layoff — noun A systematic or periodical dismissal of employees from a factory or a firm. Due to the poor economy, the car manufacturer announced a major layoff starting next month …   Словарь американских идиом

  • layoff — [[t]le͟ɪɒf, AM ɔːf[/t]] layoffs 1) N COUNT: usu pl When there are layoffs in a company, people are made unemployed because there is no more work for them in the company. It will close more than 200 stores nationwide resulting in the layoffs of an …   English dictionary

  • layoff — noun a companywide layoff Syn: dismissal, discharge; informal sacking, firing; downsizing; the sack, the boot, the ax Ant: recruitment …   Thesaurus of popular words

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