know in one's bones

know in one's bones

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • know\ in\ one's\ bones — • feel in one s bones • know in one s bones v. phr. To have an idea or feeling but not know why. I feel in my hones that tomorrow will be a sunny day. I know in my bones that God will protect us …   Словарь американских идиом

  • know in one's bones — See: FEEL IN ONE S BONES …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • feel\ in\ one's\ bones — • feel in one s bones • know in one s bones v. phr. To have an idea or feeling but not know why. I feel in my hones that tomorrow will be a sunny day. I know in my bones that God will protect us …   Словарь американских идиом

  • feel in one's bones — or[know in one s bones] {v. phr.} To have an idea or feeling but not know why. * /I feel in my hones that tomorrow will be a sunny day./ * /I know in my bones that God will protect us./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • feel in one's bones — or[know in one s bones] {v. phr.} To have an idea or feeling but not know why. * /I feel in my hones that tomorrow will be a sunny day./ * /I know in my bones that God will protect us./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • feel in one's bones — phrasal : to feel strongly and instinctively (as that something is true or false) : hold a strong opinion based on no concrete evidence * * * feel in one s bones To know instinctively, without proof • • • Main Entry: ↑bone …   Useful english dictionary

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  • One-Trick Pony (album) — One Trick Pony Soundtrack album by Paul Simon Released August 1980 Recorded 1979–1980 …   Wikipedia

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