just for the hell of it

just for the hell of it

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • just for the hell of it — (just) for the hell of it informal if you do something for the hell of it, you do it only because you want to, or because you think it is funny. I decided to dye my hair bright green, just for the hell of it …   New idioms dictionary

  • (just) for the hell of it — (just) for the ˈhell of it idiom (informal) just for fun; for no real reason • They stole the car just for the hell of it. Main entry: ↑hellidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • just for the hell of it — See: JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • just\ for\ the\ hell\ of\ it — See: just for the fun of it …   Словарь американских идиом

  • for the hell of it — For fun or adventure • • • Main Entry: ↑Hell * * * for the hell of it informal phrase just for fun, and not for any serious reason I kissed him just for the hell of it. Thesaurus: general words for entertainment and fun …   Useful english dictionary

  • for the hell of it — (just) for the hell of it informal if you do something for the hell of it, you do it only because you want to, or because you think it is funny. I decided to dye my hair bright green, just for the hell of it …   New idioms dictionary

  • for the hell of it — adverb For no particular reason, just because it is fun, entertaining; for to relieve boredom. Theres no big unrest; were having a revolution just for the hell of it. Syn: for the sake of it, for the heck of it, just for fun …   Wiktionary

  • for the hell of it — informal just for fun, and not for any serious reason I kissed him just for the hell of it …   English dictionary

  • for\ the\ hell\ of\ it — • for the devil • for the heck • for the hell of it adv. phr. For no specific reason; just for sport and fun. We poured salt into Uncle Tom s coffee, just for the heck of it. See: devil of it …   Словарь американских идиом

  • for the hell of it — ► for the hell of it informal just for fun. Main Entry: ↑hell …   English terms dictionary

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