John Q. Public

John Q. Public
{n.} A name used informally for the average citizen. * /It is John Q. Public's duty to vote at each election./ Compare: JOE DOAKES.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • John Q. Public — is a generic name in the United States to denote a hypothetical member of society deemed a common man. He is presumed to have no strong political or social biases relevant to whatever topic is at hand, and to represent the randomly selected man… …   Wikipedia

  • john q public — (USA) John Q Public is the typical, average person …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • John Q. Public — John ,Q. Public noun AMERICAN a name used for representing normal average people in general …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • John Q. Public — average American citizen, attested from 1934 …   Etymology dictionary

  • John Q. Public — ☆ John Q. Public n. personification of an ordinary or average citizen, esp. of the U.S …   English World dictionary

  • john q. public — noun also john q. or john q. citizen Usage: usually capitalized J&Q&P&C Etymology: from the name John + the initial Q. + public or citizen 1. : a member of the public or the community …   Useful english dictionary

  • John Q. Public — [“d3an “kju “pablik] n. a general term for a male representative of the public. (The mate of Jane Q. Public.) □ John Q. Public doesn’t seem to like the new tax forms. □ John Q. Public tends not to like regimentation …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • John Q Public — (AmE infml) a name used to refer to any average person, especially when seen as representing typical public opinion: What will John Q Public think of higher taxes? Compare Clapham omnibus. * * * …   Universalium

  • John Q Public — American, humorous the public. You have to ask yourself what John Q Public will think when he hears about the government overspending …   New idioms dictionary

  • John Q. Public — {n.} A name used informally for the average citizen. * /It is John Q. Public s duty to vote at each election./ Compare: JOE DOAKES …   Dictionary of American idioms

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