in the short run — {adv. phr.} In the immediate future. * /We are leasing a car in the short run; later we might buy one./ Contrast: IN THE LONG RUN … Dictionary of American idioms
in the short run — in/over the short run ► over a short period into the future: »Although that approach can work in the short run, long term it won t. Main Entry: ↑short run … Financial and business terms
over the short run — in/over the short run ► over a short period into the future: »Although that approach can work in the short run, long term it won t. Main Entry: ↑short run … Financial and business terms
in the short run — in the long/short run a long or short time in the future. It means spending a bit now, but in the long run it ll save us a lot of money. Although prices may rise in the short run, they should begin to fall again by the end of the year … New idioms dictionary
in the short run — for a short period of time. Although gasoline prices may rise in the short run, they should begin to fall again by the end of the year. Opposite of: in the long run … New idioms dictionary
in\ the\ short\ run — adv. phr. In the immediate future. We are leasing a car in the short run; later we might buy one. Contrast: in the long run … Словарь американских идиом
in the short run — adverb Lasting only a short time, shortsightedly In the short run yo yo dieting will work, but eventually it makes it nearly impossible to lose weight … Wiktionary
in/over the short run — ► over a short period into the future: »Although that approach can work in the short run, long term it won t. Main Entry: ↑short run … Financial and business terms
in the short run (or term) — in the near future. → short … English new terms dictionary
short run — UK US noun [S] (also short term) ► a short period of time: »For now he is concentrating on the short run. »We are very pleased with the short run, and in particular, the performance of this quarter. ● in/over the short run Cf. over the short run… … Financial and business terms