the lap of luxury — a lifestyle that includes the finest house etc. Flo married a rich realtor and now lives in the lap of luxury … English idioms
the lap of luxury — phrasal an environment of great ease, comfort, and wealth < was reared in the lap of luxury > … New Collegiate Dictionary
in the lap of luxury — In luxurious conditions • • • Main Entry: ↑lap * * * in the lap of luxury phrase in very comfortable and expensive conditions They live together in the lap of luxury in a beautiful Victorian mansion. Thesaurus: richsynonym … Useful english dictionary
in the lap of luxury — {adv. phr.} Well supplied with luxuries; having most things that money can buy. * /Mike grew up in the lap of luxury./ Compare: ON EASY STREET, WELL TO DO … Dictionary of American idioms
in the lap of luxury — if you are in the lap of luxury, you live in conditions of much comfort because you have a lot of money. I have to earn enough to keep my wife in the lap of luxury. They live in the lap of luxury in a huge great house in the south of France … New idioms dictionary
in the lap of luxury — People in the lap of luxury are very wealthy and have have everything that money can buy … The small dictionary of idiomes
in the lap of luxury — ► in the lap of luxury in conditions of great comfort and wealth. Main Entry: ↑lap … English terms dictionary
in the lap of luxury — living in comfort, living high on the hog If I win the lottery, we ll be rich. We ll live in the lap of luxury … English idioms
in\ the\ lap\ of\ luxury — adv. phr. Well supplied with luxuries; having most things that money can buy. Mike grew up in the lap of luxury. Compare: on easy street, well to do … Словарь американских идиом
in the lap of luxury — in very comfortable and expensive conditions They live together in the lap of luxury in a beautiful Victorian mansion … English dictionary