in a bad way

in a bad way
in bad shape & in a bad way
1. Lit. injured or debilitated in any manner. •

Fred had a little accident, and he's in bad shape.

Tom needs exercise. He's in bad shape.

2. pregnant. •

Jill's in bad shape again, I hear.

Yup, she's in bad shape all right—about three months in bad shape.

3. Fig. Inf. intoxicated. •

Two glasses of that stuff and I'm in really bad shape.

Fred is in bad shape. I think he's going to toss his cookies.

* * *
{adv. phr.}, {informal} In trouble or likely to have trouble. * /If you have only those two girls to help you, you are in a bad way./ * /Jerry has written only one sentence of his term paper that is due tomorrow, and he knows he is in a bad way./ * /Mrs. Jones has cancer and is in a bad way./ * /A new supermarket opened across the street, and the Peters' grocery business was soon in a bad way./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • in a bad way — {adv. phr.}, {informal} In trouble or likely to have trouble. * /If you have only those two girls to help you, you are in a bad way./ * /Jerry has written only one sentence of his term paper that is due tomorrow, and he knows he is in a bad way./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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