hole in one

hole in one
hole in one
1. Lit. an instance of hitting a golf ball from the tee to the hole in only one try. (From the game of golf.) •

John made a hole in one yesterday.

I've never gotten a hole in one.

2. Fig. an instance of succeeding the first time. •

It worked the first time I tried it—a hole in one.

Bob got a hole in one on that sale. A lady walked in the door, and he sold her a car in five minutes.

* * *
{n. phr.} A shot in golf that is hit from the tee and goes right into the cup. * /Many golfers play for years before they get a hole in one./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • hole in one — {n. phr.} A shot in golf that is hit from the tee and goes right into the cup. * /Many golfers play for years before they get a hole in one./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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  • Hole in one — In golf, a hole in one or hole in one (also known as an ace, mostly in American English) is when a player hits the ball directly from the tee into the cup with one shot. This is normally only possible on a par 3 hole. Longer hitters have… …   Wikipedia

  • Hole in one — Ein Hole in one oder Ass bedeutet im Golf das erfolgreiche Spielen einer Bahn mit einem einzigen Schlag, also das Einlochen des Abschlags. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Wahrscheinlichkeiten 2 Rituale nach dem Erzielen eines Hole in ones 3 Rekorde 4… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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