here and there — {adv. phr.} 1. In one place and then in another. * /I looked here and there for my pen, but I didn t look everywhere./ * /Here and there in the yard little yellow flowers had sprung up./ 2. In various directions. * /We went here and there looking … Dictionary of American idioms
Here and there — Here Here (h[=e]r), adv. [OE. her, AS. h[=e]r; akin to OS. h[=e]r, D. hier, OHG. hiar, G. hier, Icel. & Goth. h[=e]r, Dan. her, Sw. h[ a]r; fr. root of E. he. See {He}.] 1. In this place; in the place where the speaker is; opposed to {there}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Here and there — There There, adv. [OE. ther, AS. [eth][=ae]r; akin to D. daar, G. da, OHG. d[=a]r, Sw. & Dan. der, Icel. & Goth. [thorn]ar, Skr. tarhi then, and E. that. [root]184. See {That}, pron.] 1. In or at that place. [They] there left me and my man, both… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Here and There — Live par Elton John Sortie 30 avril 1976 Enregistrement 18 mai et 28 novembre 1974 Durée 54:08 Ge … Wikipédia en Français
Here and There — Infobox Album | Name = Here and There Type = Live album Artist = Elton John Released = April 30 1976 (UK) May 3 1976 (U.S.) Recorded = Here The Royal Festival Hall, London, May 18, 1974 There Madison Square Garden, New York City, November 28,… … Wikipedia
here\ and\ there — adv. phr. 1. In one place and then in another. I looked here and there for my pen, but I didn t look everywhere. Here and there in the yard little yellow flowers had sprung up. 2. In various directions. We went here and there looking for berries … Словарь американских идиом
here and there — adverb a) in one place and another They thanked him and bade him good bye, and turned toward the West, walking over fields of soft grass dotted here and there with daisies and buttercups. b) from time to time Here and there the brilliant rays… … Wiktionary
here and there — 1) clumps of crabgrass here and there Syn: in various places, in different places; at random 2) they darted here and there Syn: back and forth, around, about, to and fro, hither and thither, in all directions … Thesaurus of popular words
here and there — in or to several different places There were a number of cottages scattered here and there across the hillside … English dictionary
here and there — in various places, go to various places We went here and there during our holidays … Idioms and examples