
{adj.} 1. Able to do hard physical labor; strong. * /Jack's uncle was a hard-fisted truck driver with muscles of steel./ 2. Not gentle or easy-going; tough; stern. * /The new teacher was a hard-fisted woman who would allow no nonsense./ 3. Stingy or mean; not generous with money. * /The hard-fisted banker refused to lend Mr. Jones more money for his business./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • Hard-fisted — Hard fist ed ( f[i^]st [e^]d), a. 1. Having hard or strong hands; as, a hard fisted laborer. [1913 Webster] 2. Close fisted; covetous; niggardly. Bp. Hall. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hard-fisted — hard fistedness, hardfistedness, n. /hahrd fis tid/, adj. 1. stingy; miserly; closefisted. 2. tough minded; ruthless: hard fisted revolutionists. 3. having hard or strong hands, as a laborer. Also, hardfisted. [1650 60] * * * …   Universalium

  • hard-fisted — hard fistedness, hardfistedness, n. /hahrd fis tid/, adj. 1. stingy; miserly; closefisted. 2. tough minded; ruthless: hard fisted revolutionists. 3. having hard or strong hands, as a laborer. Also …   Useful english dictionary

  • hard-fisted — {adj.} 1. Able to do hard physical labor; strong. * /Jack s uncle was a hard fisted truck driver with muscles of steel./ 2. Not gentle or easy going; tough; stern. * /The new teacher was a hard fisted woman who would allow no nonsense./ 3. Stingy …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • hard-fisted — adj 1. Able to do hard physical labor; strong. Jack s uncle was a hard fisted truck driver with muscles of steel. 2. Not gentle or easy going; tough; stern. The new teacher was a hard fisted woman who would allow no nonsense. 3. Stingy or mean;… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • hard-fisted — hard′fist′ed, adj. stingy; miserly; closefisted …   From formal English to slang

  • hard-fisted — a. 1. Avaricious, covetous, niggardly, sordid, stingy, mercenary, mean, closefisted, illberal, ungenerous. 2. Stout fisted, hard handed, horny handed …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • hard-fisted — I (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. selfish, miserly, niggardly, tight fisted; see stingy . II (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Ungenerously or pettily reluctant to spend money: cheap, close, close fisted, costive, mean2, miserly, niggard, niggardly,… …   English dictionary for students

  • hard-fisted — /ˈhad fɪstəd/ (say hahd fistuhd) adjective 1. niggardly; stingy. 2. having hard or strong hands, as a labourer …  

  • hard-handed — a. 1. Hard fisted, horny handed, stout handed. 2. Severe, rigorous, high handed, oppressive …   New dictionary of synonyms

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