go astray

go astray
go astray
1. Lit. to wander off the road or path. •

Stick to the path and try not to go astray.

I couldn't see the trail and I almost went astray.

2. Fig. [for something] to get lost or misplaced. •

My glasses have gone astray again.

Mary's book went astray or maybe it was stolen.

3. Fig. to turn bad or wander from the way of goodness; to make an error. •

I'm afraid your son has gone astray and gotten into a bit of trouble.

I went astray with the computer program at this point.

* * *
{v. phr.} To become lost. * /The letter has obviously gone astray; otherwise it would have been delivered a long time ago./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • astray — ► ADVERB ▪ away from the correct path or direction. ORIGIN from Old French estraie, from Latin extra out of bounds + vagari wander …   English terms dictionary

  • astray — [ə strā′] adv., adj. [ME < pp. of OFr estraier, STRAY] 1. off the right path or way; wandering 2. in error …   English World dictionary

  • astray — a|stray [əˈstreı] adv [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: estraié wandering , from estraier; STRAY1] 1.) go astray a) to be lost or stolen ▪ The letter had gone astray in the post. b) if a plan or action goes astray, it goes wrong ▪ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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