glutton for punishment

glutton for punishment
a glutton for punishment
Fig. someone who is eager for a burden or some sort of difficulty; someone willing to accept a difficult task. •

Tom works too hard. He is a glutton for punishment.

I enjoy managing difficult projects, but I am a glutton for punishment.

* * *
{n. phr.} A greedy person; someone who wants too much of something, such as food or drink, which will make him sick. * /Fred eats so much red meat that he is a regular glutton for punishment./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • glutton for punishment — If a person is described as a glutton for punishment, the happily accept jobs and tasks that most people would try to get out of. A glutton is a person who eats a lot …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • glutton for punishment — A person who seems excessively eager to seek and perform strenuous or unpleasant work, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑glutton …   Useful english dictionary

  • Glutton for Punishment — is a program on Food Network hosted by Bob Blumer. The show features the host in various food related challenges. He is given five days to become proficient enough in the episode s featured specialty. His newly acquired skills are then put to the …   Wikipedia

  • glutton for punishment — {n. phr.} A greedy person; someone who wants too much of something, such as food or drink, which will make him sick. * /Fred eats so much red meat that he is a regular glutton for punishment./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • glutton for punishment —    If a person is described as a glutton for punishment, the happily accept jobs and tasks that most people would try to get out of. A glutton is a person who eats a lot.   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • Glutton for punishment —   If a person is described as a glutton for punishment, the happily accept jobs and tasks that most people would try to get out of. A glutton is a person who eats a lot …   Dictionary of English idioms

  • glutton for punishment — noun One persistent in an effort in spite of harmful or unpleasant results. I should have quit this job long ago, but I guess Im just a glutton for punishment …   Wiktionary

  • glutton\ for\ punishment — n. phr. A greedy person; someone who wants too much of something, such as food or drink, which will make him sick. Fred eats so much red meat that he is a regular glutton for punishment …   Словарь американских идиом

  • a glutton for punishment — ► a glutton for punishment a person who is always eager to undertake unpleasant tasks. Main Entry: ↑glutton …   English terms dictionary

  • (a) glutton for punishment — a glutton for punishment phrase someone who is willing to do something even though it is difficult or unpleasant Thesaurus: willing to do or accept somethingsynonym Main entry: glutton …   Useful english dictionary

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