get the jitters
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get the jitters — If you get (or have) the jitters, especially before an important event, you become very nervous or anxious and begin to shake. Some people get the jitters when they have to make a speech … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
get the jitters — become nervous, begin to shake When I get up to speak, I get the jitters and I can t think clearly … English idioms
get the jitters — {v. phr.} To become very nervous or excited. * /I always get the jitters when I sit in an airplane that s about to take off./ … Dictionary of American idioms
get\ the\ jitters — v. phr. To become very nervous or excited. I always get the jitters when I sit in an airplane that s about to take off … Словарь американских идиом
get the jitters — informal to feel anxious, especially before an important event. I always get the jitters before an interview … New idioms dictionary
the jitters — informal : a very nervous feeling I always get the jitters before I have to give a speech. = Having to give a speech gives me (a bad case of) the jitters. • • • Main Entry: ↑jitters … Useful english dictionary
give the jitters — give (someone) the jitters informal get the jitters to feel anxious, especially before an important event. Don t drive so fast. You re giving me the jitters … New idioms dictionary
give someone the jitters — give (someone) the jitters informal get the jitters to feel anxious, especially before an important event. Don t drive so fast. You re giving me the jitters … New idioms dictionary
jitters — n. the nervous shakes. □ I get the jitters when I have to talk in public. □ Too much booze gives me the jitters … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
jitters — noun get the jitters informal to feel anxious, especially before an important event or before something difficult: It s my driving test next week, and I ve got the jitters already … Longman dictionary of contemporary English