get something out of one's system

get something out of one's system
get something out of one's system
1. Lit. to get something like food or medicine out of one's body, usually through natural elimination. •

He'll be more active once he gets the medicine out of his system.

My baby, Mary, ate applesauce and has been crying for three hours. She'll stop when she gets the applesauce out of her system.

2. Fig. to be rid of the desire to do something; to do something that you have been wanting to do so that you aren't bothered by wanting to do it anymore. •

I bought a new car. I've been wanting to for a long time. I'm glad I finally got that out of my system.

I can't get it out of my system! I want to go back to school and earn a degree.

3. Fig. to do so much of something that one does not want or need to do it anymore. •

I got riding roller coasters out of my system when I was young.

* * *
{v. phr.} 1. To eliminate some food item or drug from one's body. * /John will feel much better once he gets the addictive sleeping pills out of his system./ 2. To free oneself of yearning for something in order to liberate oneself from an unwanted preoccupation. * /Ted bought a new cabin cruiser that he'd been wanting for a long time, and he says he is glad that he's finally got it out of his system./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • get something out of one's system — {v. phr.} 1. To eliminate some food item or drug from one s body. * /John will feel much better once he gets the addictive sleeping pills out of his system./ 2. To free oneself of yearning for something in order to liberate oneself from an… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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  • get something out of one's system — informal get rid of a preoccupation or anxiety. → system …   English new terms dictionary

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