for short — {adv. phr.} So as to make shorter; as an abbreviation or nickname. * /The boy s name was Humperdink, or Dink for short./ * /The National Broadcasting Company is called NBC for short./ … Dictionary of American idioms
for short — ► for short as an abbreviation or nickname. Main Entry: ↑short … English terms dictionary
for short — adverb as an abbreviation call me Bob for short * * * adverb : by way of abbreviation * * * for short As an abbreviation • • • Main Entry: ↑short * * * as an abbreviation or nickname the File Transfer Protocol, or ftp for short * * * for short … Useful english dictionary
for\ short — adv. phr. So as to make shorter; as an abbreviation or nickname. The boy s name was Humperdink, or Dink for short. The National Broadcasting Company is called NBC for short … Словарь американских идиом
for short — phrasal as an abbreviation < named Katherine or Kate for short > … New Collegiate Dictionary
for short — in a form of less length. The continuous connection to the Internet offered by the phone companies is called the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, or ADSL for short … New idioms dictionary
Short Music For Short People — est une compilation punk sortie chez Fat Wreck Chords en 1999. L idée était de rassembler un maximum de groupes (101 au total) qui devaient composer pour l occasion une chanson de moins de 30 secondes. On y retrouve certains groupes pop punk… … Wikipédia en Français
Short music for short people — est une compilation punk sortie chez Fat Wreck Chords en 1999. L idée était de rassembler un maximum de groupes (101 au total) qui devaient composer pour l occasion une chanson de moins de 30 secondes. On y retrouve certains groupes pop punk… … Wikipédia en Français
Short Music for Short People — est une compilation punk sortie chez Fat Wreck Chords en 1999. L idée était de rassembler un maximum de groupes (101 au total) qui devaient composer pour l occasion une chanson de moins de 30 secondes. On y retrouve certains groupes pop punk… … Wikipédia en Français
Short Music for Short People — es un álbum que reune a 101 de los mejores exponentes del Punk Rock, Hardcore, Ska y sus variantes, realizado en el año 1999 y lanzado por el sello Fat Wreck Chords. El título es una parodia del disco punk de los 80 s Bad Music for Bad People, en … Wikipedia Español