draw fire

draw fire
{v. phr.} 1. To attract or provoke shooting; be a target. * /The general's white horse drew the enemy's fire./ 2. To bring criticism or argument; make people say bad things about you. * /Having the newest car in your group is sure to draw fire./

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • draw fire — draw (someone s) fire mainly American if something or someone draws fire, they are criticized. The advertisements have drawn fire from anti smoking campaigners (often + from) His radical approach is expected to draw fire …   New idioms dictionary

  • draw fire — phrase to be severely criticized The proposed merger is drawing fire from all sides. Thesaurus: to be criticizedsynonym Main entry: fire * * * attract hostile criticism, usually away from a more important target the vaccination campaign continued …   Useful english dictionary

  • draw fire — {v. phr.} 1. To attract or provoke shooting; be a target. * /The general s white horse drew the enemy s fire./ 2. To bring criticism or argument; make people say bad things about you. * /Having the newest car in your group is sure to draw fire./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • draw\ fire — v. phr. 1. To attract or provoke shooting; be a target. The general s white horse drew the enemy s fire. 2. To bring criticism or argument; make people say bad things about you. Having the newest car in your group is sure to draw fire …   Словарь американских идиом

  • draw fire — 1) receive criticism or argument He has been drawing a lot of fire since he announced that he would not play basketball another year. 2) be a target, attract or provoke shooting The soldiers drew fire when they entered the small village …   Idioms and examples

  • draw fire — to attract criticism. The advertisements have drawn fire from parents groups …   New idioms dictionary

  • draw fire — to be severely criticized The proposed merger is drawing fire from all sides …   English dictionary

  • draw someone's fire — draw (someone s) fire mainly American if something or someone draws fire, they are criticized. The advertisements have drawn fire from anti smoking campaigners (often + from) His radical approach is expected to draw fire …   New idioms dictionary

  • draw — 1 verb past tense drew, past participle drawn PICTURE/DESCRIPTION 1 WITH PENCIL (I, T) to make a picture of something with a pencil or pen: Can I draw your portrait? | I ve never been able to draw well. | draw sb sth/draw sth for sb: Hans drew… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • fire — I n. destructive burning 1) to set, start a fire; to set fire to (they set fire to the barn) 2) to catch fire (the house caught fire) 3) to contain; extinguish, put out; stamp out a fire; to bring a fire under control 4) a raging, roaring fire 5) …   Combinatory dictionary

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