down one's neck
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down one's neck — See: BREATHE DOWN ONE S NECK … Dictionary of American idioms
down\ one's\ neck — See: breathe down one s neck … Словарь американских идиом
breathe down one's neck — {v. phr.}, {informal} To follow closely; threaten from behind; watch every action. * /Too many creditors were breathing down his neck./ * /The carpenter didn t like to work for Mr. Jones, who was always breathing down his neck./ … Dictionary of American idioms
breathe down one's neck — {v. phr.}, {informal} To follow closely; threaten from behind; watch every action. * /Too many creditors were breathing down his neck./ * /The carpenter didn t like to work for Mr. Jones, who was always breathing down his neck./ … Dictionary of American idioms
breathe\ down\ one's\ neck — v. phr. informal To follow closely; threaten from behind; watch every action. Too many creditors were breathing down his neck. The carpenter didn t like to work for Mr. Jones, who was always breathing down his neck … Словарь американских идиом
breathe down one's neck — phrasal 1. to threaten especially in attack or pursuit 2. to keep one under close or constant surveillance < parents always breathing down his neck > … New Collegiate Dictionary
breathe down one's neck — Lit. Pursue one. Be close to one. [Met.] Supervise one closely, or ask frequently, e.g. with view to getting something done … A concise dictionary of English slang
breathe down one's neck — be intrusive, look over one s shoulder … English contemporary dictionary
breathe down one's neck — phrasal : to threaten or loom threateningly in or as if in pursuit or attack … Useful english dictionary
stick one's neck out — phrasal : to lay oneself open (as to attack, criticism, complaint, detection, punishment, reprisal) : run the risk of bringing down upon oneself a consequence detrimental to oneself (as by taking another s part, making a decision outside the… … Useful english dictionary