catch\ it\ in\ the\ neck — v. phr. slang To be blamed or punished. Tom got it in the neck because he forgot to close the windows when it rained. Students get it in the neck when they lose library books. Compare: catch it, get what s coming to one Syn.: catch it in the neck … Словарь американских идиом
catch it in the neck — ► get (or catch) it in the neck informal be severely criticized or punished. Main Entry: ↑neck … English terms dictionary
catch it in the neck — or[get it in the neck] {v. phr.}, {slang} To be blamed or punished. * /Tom got it in the neck because he forgot to close the windows when it rained./ * /Students get it in the neck when they lose library books./ Compare: CATCH IT, GET WHAT S… … Dictionary of American idioms
get (or catch) it in the neck Brit. — get (or catch) it in the neck Brit. informal be severely criticized or punished. → neck … English new terms dictionary
get\ it\ in\ the\ neck — v. phr. slang To be blamed or punished. Tom got it in the neck because he forgot to close the windows when it rained. Students get it in the neck when they lose library books. Compare: catch it, get what s coming to one Syn.: catch it in the neck … Словарь американских идиом
get it in the neck — (informal) To be severely dealt with or hard hit • • • Main Entry: ↑neck * * * get it in the neck british informal phrase to be criticized or punished I’ll probably get it in the neck for this. Thesaurus: to be criticized … Useful english dictionary
get it in the neck — See: CATCH IT IN THE NECK … Dictionary of American idioms
get it in the neck — See: CATCH IT IN THE NECK … Dictionary of American idioms
get it in the neck — ► get (or catch) it in the neck informal be severely criticized or punished. Main Entry: ↑neck … English terms dictionary
in the neck — See: CATCH IT IN THE NECK or GET IT IN THE NECK … Dictionary of American idioms