of recent origin

  • 121entisol — /en ti sawl , sol /, n. a fertile soil of recent origin that is distinguished by a lack of horizons and is found worldwide in all climates. [1970 75; ent (according to the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, initiator of the term, a meaningless… …


  • 122Kneeling and Genuflection —     Genuflexion     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Genuflexion     To genuflect [Lat. genu flectere, geniculare (post classic), to bend the knee; Gr. gonu klinein or kamptein] expresses:     ♦ an attitude     ♦ a gesture: involving, like prostration,… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 123Oera Linda Book — Page 48 of the Oera Linda manuscript The Oera Linda Book is a 19th century manuscript written in Old Frisian. It purports to cover historical, mythological, and religious themes of remote antiquity, compiled between 2194 BC and AD 803. The… …


  • 124New religious movement — A new religious movement (NRM) is a religious community or ethical, spiritual, or philosophical group of modern origin, which has a peripheral place within the dominant religious culture. NRMs may be novel in origin or they may be part of a wider …


  • 125Solutrean hypothesis — The Solutrean hypothesis proposes that stone tool technology of the Solutrean culture in prehistoric Europe may have later influenced the development of the Clovis tool making culture in the Americas, and that peoples from Europe may have been… …


  • 126Abrahamic religions — Symbols of the Abrahamic religions: Judaism represented by the Star of David (top), Christianity represented by the Cross (left), and Islam represented by the Arabic calligraphy of God s name (Allah) (right). Abrahamic religions are the… …


  • 127Indian Ocean — an ocean S of Asia, E of Africa, and W of Australia. 28,357,000 sq. mi. (73,444,630 sq. km). * * * Indian Ocean Introduction Indian Ocean Background: The Indian Ocean is the third largest of the world s five oceans (after the Pacific Ocean and… …


  • 128logistics — /loh jis tiks, leuh /, n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) 1. the branch of military science and operations dealing with the procurement, supply, and maintenance of equipment, with the movement, evacuation, and hospitalization of personnel, with the …
