man milliner

  • 101Chanel, Gabrielle (Coco) — (1883 1971)    Born in Samur, France, Chanel began her career as a milliner in 1910 and then, in 1913, showed her first clothing collection. Coco Chanel shared the limelight as a gifted couturière with contemporaries of her time such as Madeleine …

    Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry

  • 102Список картин Пьера Огюста Ренуара 1862-1881 — Ниже перечислены картины французского живописца Пьера Огюста Ренуара, относящиеся к импрессионистскому периоду его творчества. Картина Название Год создания Техника Размеры (см) Галерея …


  • 103clothing — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Wearing apparel Nouns 1. clothing, clothes, apparel, wear, dress, attire, array, raiment, garments, garb, costume, outfit, habiliment, habit, rig, ensemble, caparison, drapery, toilette, fig, wardrobe,… …

    English dictionary for students

  • 104miscreant —    A miscreant is literally one who does not believe in God. but by the end of the sixteenth century the word had already taken on the more general sense of ‘wretch, villain’. When Vernon and Basset quarrel, in Shakespeare’s Henry the Sixth Part… …

    A dictionary of epithets and terms of address