in the worst case
1(the) worst-case scenario — the nightmare/worst case scenario the worst thing that could possibly happen. I suppose the worst case scenario would be if both of us lost our jobs at the same time …
2in the worst case — in the worst possible scenario …
3Worst-Case Scenario series — The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook (ISBN 0 8118 2555 8) by Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht is a book published in 1999 by Chronicle Books. It was a highly popular title and spawned an entire series of related books, games, and a… …
4Worst-case execution time — The worst case execution time (WCET) of a computational task is the maximum length of time the task could take to execute on a specific hardware platform. Knowing worst case execution times is of prime importance for the schedulability analysis… …
5Worst-case scenario — is a situation where everything that can go wrong, does go wrong.It is also used to refer to:* Worst Case Scenarios (TV series), a reality show aired on TBS in 2002 in the U.S. * Worst Case Scenario , 1994 album by dEUS * , episode of Star Trek:… …
6Worst Case Scenarios (TV series) — Worst Case Scenarios is a reality show aired on TBS in 2002 in the U.S.. The show was hosted by Mike Rowe and it featured demonstrations by stunt men on how to survive worst case scenarios. It also aired clips of real life situations, tips,… …
7worst-case — ¦ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ adjective : involving, projecting, or providing for the worst possible circumstances or the worst outcome of a given situation a worst case scenario * * * /werrst kays /, adj. of the worst possibility; being the worst result that… …
8Worst Case Execution Time — Die maximale Ausführungszeit (englisch Worst Case Execution Time, WCET) gibt die längste Zeit an, die ein Computerprogramm oder Programmteil auf einer bestimmten Plattform zur Ausführung benötigen kann. Sie wird bestimmt durch: die Programmlogik… …
9worst-case scenario — n. the worse possible future outcome. □ Now, let’s look at the worst case scenario. □ In the worst case scenario, we’re all dead …
10Worst case circuit analysis — (WCCA or WCA) is a cost effective means of screening a design to ensure with a high degree of confidence that potential defects and deficiencies are identified and eliminated PRIOR TO and DURING test, production, and delivery. It is a… …