every day

  • 111Day in day out — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 112day in, day out — if you do something day in, day out, you do it every day over a long period, often causing it to become boring. Life can become very tedious if you do the same work day in, day out. Dave wore the same tie day in and day out …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 113day by day — 1) day by day they were forced to retreat Syn: gradually, slowly, progressively; bit by bit, inch by inch, little by little 2) they follow the news day by day Syn: daily, every day, day after day; diurnally …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 114day-after-day — adjective of or belonging to or occurring every day daily routine a daily paper • Syn: ↑daily, ↑day to day, ↑day by day • Similar to: ↑periodic, ↑periodical …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 115day-to-day — adjective of or belonging to or occurring every day daily routine a daily paper • Syn: ↑daily, ↑day by day, ↑day after day • Similar to: ↑periodic, ↑periodical …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 116day-to-day — ADJ: ADJ n Day to day things or activities exist or happen every day as part of ordinary life. I am a vegetarian and use a lot of lentils in my day to day cooking …

    English dictionary

  • 117day-to-day — a day to day activity is one of the things that you have to do every day, usually as a part of your work. It s Sheila who s responsible for the day to day running of the school. (always before noun) …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 118every — adjective 1) he exercised every day Syn: each, each and every, every single 2) we make every effort to satisfy our clients Syn: all possible, the utmost …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 119every — determiner 1) he exercised every day Syn: each, each and every, every single 2) we make every effort to satisfy our clients Syn: all possible, the utmost • Ant: no …

    Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • 120day-to-day — /ˈdeɪ tə deɪ/ (say day tuh day) adjective ordinary; happening every day: a day to day occurrence …