bridle up

  • 111bridle chain — noun 1. : one of the safety chains attaching a cage to the hoisting rope in mining 2. : rough lock …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 112bridle joint — noun : a joint in carpentry in which the end of one timber deeply recessed fits over another timber with recessed sides * * * Carpentry. a heading joint in which the end of one member, notched to form two parallel tenons, is fitted into two gains …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 113bridle ring — noun : a screw hook having the appearance of a pig s tail used for guiding and retaining telephone and signaling wires on buildings or posts …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 114bridle sling — noun : a contrivance of rings, hooks, and chains or ropes serving to attach heavy loads to a crane …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 115bridle-bit — …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 116Double bridle — Double bridle, with both curb and snaffle bits. A double bridle, also called a full bridle or Weymouth bridle,[1] is a bridle that has two bits and four reins (sometimes called double reins ). One bit is the bradoon (or bridoon), is …


  • 117Bitless bridle — This article is about generally about a wide range of horse headgear without bits. For bridles with bits, see Bridle. For traditional bitless headgear, see Hackamore. A cross under bitless bridle A bitless bridle is a general term describing a… …


  • 118Block & Bridle — The National Block Bridle Club (B B) is a college club founded on December 2, 1919, in Chicago by Iowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Missouri, and University of Nebraska. Today, Block Bridle has 92 college chapters in… …


  • 119National Block and Bridle Club — The National Block and Bridle Club (B B) is a college club founded on December 2, 1919, in Chicago by Iowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Missouri, and University of Nebraska. Today, Block Bridle has 92 college chapters… …


  • 120Bitless Bridle — Deutsche Version des Bitless Bridle Das Bitless Bridle ist als sehr sanfte gebisslose Zäumung bekannt, die in den USA von dem Universitätsprofessor für Tiermedizin Robert Cook entwickelt wurde. Cook forscht seit Jahren im besonderen an… …

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