Somehow or other
1somehow or other — (from Idioms in Speech) by some means; in some way that is not mentioned or explained ... and somehow or other we re going to swim. (J. Galsworthy) Somehow or other he had heard of a box kite... and the idea appealed to him at once. (W. S.… …
2somehow or other — in a way you do not know. This girl at my school has somehow or other fallen in love with me. Related vocabulary: something or other …
3somehow or other — idi somehow …
4somehow or other — in some way, one way or the other …
5Somehow — Some how (s[u^]m hou ), adv. In one way or another; in some way not yet known or designated; by some means; as, the thing must be done somehow; he lives somehow. [1913 Webster] By their action upon one another they may be swelled somehow, so as… …
6somehow — [adv] by some means after a fashion, anyhow, anyway, anywise, by hook or crook*, come what may*, in one way or another, in some such way, in some way, one way or another, somehow or another, somehow or other; concept 544 Ant. no way …
7somehow — [sum′hou΄] adv. in a way or by a method not known, stated, or understood [was somehow completed ]: often in the phrase somehow or other …
8somehow — 1660s; from SOME (Cf. some) + HOW (Cf. how). First attested in phrase somehow or other …
9somehow — some|how [ sʌmhau ] adverb *** Somehow can be used in the following ways: as an ordinary adverb: He managed to escape somehow. as a sentence adverb (making a comment on the whole sentence or clause): Somehow, I had the feeling that Jeff was going …
10somehow */*/*/ — UK [ˈsʌmhaʊ] / US adverb Summary: Somehow can be used in the following ways: as an ordinary adverb: He managed to escape somehow. as a sentence adverb (making a comment on the whole sentence or clause): Somehow, I had the feeling that Jeff was… …