More fit
1more — more1 W1S1 [mo: US mo:r] adv 1.) [used before an adjective or adverb to form the comparative] having a particular quality to a greater degree ≠ ↑less ▪ You ll have to be more careful next time. ▪ Can t it be done more quickly? much/a lot/far more …
2more — 1 adverb 1 (+ adj/adv) having a particular quality or characteristic to a greater degree than someone or something else: more interesting/expensive etc: We can make the test more difficult byadding a time limit. | It could have been an infection… …
3fit — n Fit, attack, access, accession, paroxysm, spasm, convulsion are comparable when they denote a sudden seizure or spell resulting from an abnormal condition of body or mind. The last three are too specific in their technical medical senses to be… …
4MORE (T.) — Vir omnium horarum , « homme de toutes les heures », Thomas More est aussi l’homme d’une époque. Il apparaît dans l’histoire à ce moment crucial des premières décennies du XVIe siècle où l’Europe chrétienne, divisée par les ambitions… …
5more — ou maure (mo r ) s. m. 1° Nom ancien des habitants du nord de l Afrique. Les Romains subjuguèrent les Maures. • Du levant au couchant, du More jusqu au Scythe Les peuples vanteront et Bérénice et Tite, CORN. Tite et Bérén. V, 5. Nom donné… …
6Fit for Life — is a diet and lifestyle, stemming from the principles in Natural Hygiene, promoted by the American writers Harvey Diamond and Marilyn Diamond. As the title of the 1985 book suggests, Fit for Life claims that one can lose excess body weight and… …
7Fit Pregnancy — is a magazine and Web site for pregnant women and new mothers, published six times a year. History Fit Pregnancy was founded in 1993 by Weider Publications as a spin off of Shape Magazine . Weider Publications was acquired by American Media, Inc …
8more (command) — more Example output of the more command Developer(s) Daniel Halbert Operating system Cross platform …
9fit somebody in — ˌfit sb/sthˈin | ˌfit sb/sth ˈin/ˈinto sth derived 1. to find time to see sb or to do sth • I ll try and fit you in after lunch. • I had to fit ten appointments into one morning. 2. to find or have enough space for sb/sth in a place • We can t… …
10fit something in — ˌfit sb/sthˈin | ˌfit sb/sth ˈin/ˈinto sth derived 1. to find time to see sb or to do sth • I ll try and fit you in after lunch. • I had to fit ten appointments into one morning. 2. to find or have enough space for sb/sth in a place • We can t… …