In writing
1Writing for Impact. Student's Book (+ Audio CD) , Banks Tim (2012)
Writing for Impact is an innovative and broad-ranging new course for learners of business English who want to excel at writing. Writing for Impact contains 12 units that cover writing emails… 1888 руб2Writing and Enjoying Haiku A Hands-on Guide , Jane Reichhold (2013)
Writing and Enjoying Haiku shows how haiku can bring a centered, calming atmosphere into one’s life, by focusing on the outer realities of life instead of the naggings of the inner mind, by gaining… 746 руб3Writing Research Papers (2011)
Writing Research Papers is a new title in the successful Macmillan Writing Series. It introduces students to academic writing and shows them how to research an academic essay, cite references and put… 1881 руб4Writing for Impact: Level B1-B2 (+С D) , Tim Banks (2012)
Writing for Impact is an innovative and broad-ranging new course for learners of business English who want to excel at writing. The course's 12 modules take learners through the topics they will need… 1899 руб5Writing for Publication in Nursing and Healthcare. Getting it Right , Holland Karen
Writing for Publication in Nursing and Healthcare is an invaluable guide to‘getting it right', focusing on all aspects of writing for publication. It will help the reader to develop skills in… 2731.01 руб электронная книга6Writing Built Environment Dissertations and Projects. Practical Guidance and Examples , Peter Farrell
Writing Built Environment Dissertations and Projects will help you to write a good dissertation or project by giving you a good understanding of what should be included, and showing you how to use… 3860.83 руб электронная книга7Writing Clearly. A Self-Teaching Guide , Dawn Sova
Improve your writing skills at your own pace How do you target a specific audience in writing? What makes up a strong thesis statement? Is there a trick to maintaining clear communication in… 1403.58 руб электронная книга8Writing a Dissertation For Dummies , Carrie Winstanley
Producing a dissertation has become a major requirement of most university courses, both undergraduate and Masters. It's likely to be the largest single piece of work you'll have to submit– and… 1432.9 руб электронная книга9Writing Genevieve White B2 Upper Intermediate (2014)
Real English for life beyond the classroom. Writing in English at advanced levels involves more than just words and grammar– it requires knowledge of the audience, context, environment and more… 991 руб10Writing Essays For Dummies , Carrie Winstanley
Do ever wish that you could write the perfect university essay? Are you left baffled about where to start? This easy-to-use guide walks you through the nuts and bolts of academic writing, helping you… 1716.39 руб электронная книга