Be worn out
1worn-out — worn / worn out [adj] used, tired beat, burned out*, bushed*, busted*, clichéd, consumed, depleted, destroyed, deteriorated, drained, drawn, effete, exhausted, fatigued, frayed, gone, hackneyed, had it*, haggard, jaded, kaput*, knocked out*, old …
2Worn-out — a. Consumed, or rendered useless, by wearing; as, worn out garments. [1913 Webster] …
3worn out — adj 1.) very tired because you have been working hard = ↑exhausted ▪ You must be absolutely worn out. 2.) too old or damaged to be used ▪ a pair of old worn out walking boots …
4worn out — adjective 1. ) too old or damaged to use any longer: dirty worn out shoes 2. ) extremely tired: EXHAUSTED: He looked worn out, as if he d missed a night s sleep …
5worn-out — worn out; worn out·ness; …
6worn-out — worn′ out′ adj. 1) worn or used beyond repair 2) depleted of energy, strength, or enthusiasm; exhausted; fatigued • Etymology: 1585–95 …
7worn out — ► ADJECTIVE 1) exhausted. 2) worn to the point of being no longer usable …
8worn-out — [wôrnout′] adj. 1. no longer effective, usable, or serviceable due to wear or overuse 2. exhausted; tired out …
9worn out — index decadent, dilapidated, old, stale, trite Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
10worn-out — see worn out …