ring - run
- ring
- ring
- ring a bell
- ring a bell
- ring around something
- ring back
- ring in
- ring in
- ring in someone's ears
- ring in someone's mind
- ring in the new year
- ring off the hook
- ring out
- ring out
- ring out the old
- ring someone back
- ring someone up
- ring something up
- ring the bell
- ring the changes
- ring the changes
- ring the curtain down (on something)
- ring the curtain up
- ring true
- ring true
- ring up
- ring up
- ring with something
- ringleader
- ringleader
- rinse someone or something down
- rinse someone or something off
- rinse someone's mouth out (with soap)
- rinse something down (with something)
- rinse something out
- rinse something out of something
- rinse something with something
- riot
- riot
- riot of color