Char - Clos
- character
- character
- character assassination
- charge
- charge
- charge (of someone or something)
- charge (something) for someone
- charge (something) for something
- charge account
- charge account
- charge at someone or something
- charge down on someone or something
- charge in(to some place)
- Charge it to the dust and let the rain settle it.
- charge off
- charge off
- charge out (of some place)
- charge someone or something (with) something
- charge someone up
- charge someone with something
- charge something against something
- charge something off as something
- charge something on something
- charge something to something
- charge something to something
- charge something up
- charge something up to someone or something
- charge up
- charge up
- charge with
- charge with
- charged up
- Charity begins at home.
- charley horse
- charm someone with something
- charm the pants off someone
- charmed life
- charmed life
- chart something out (for someone or something)
- chase