- whacked (out)
- whacked (out)Sl. intoxicated. •
Gee, is he ever whacked!
•Dave was so whacked out he couldn't stand up.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Gee, is he ever whacked!
•Dave was so whacked out he couldn't stand up.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
whacked out — american phrase not thinking clearly or behaving normally because of alcohol or drugs Thesaurus: drunksynonym under the influence of drugssynonym Main entry: whacked * * * whacked … Useful english dictionary
whacked-out — whacked′ out′ or wacked out adj. Slang. 1) cvb sts exhausted; worn out 2) cvb sts wacky; crazy 3) cvb sts stupefied by narcotics or alcohol; stoned • Etymology: 1965–70 … From formal English to slang
whacked-out — ☆ whacked out [hwakt′out′, wakt′out΄ ] adj. Slang 1. exhausted 2. STONED (sense 2) 3. wacky, crazy, bizarre, etc … English World dictionary
whacked-out — ¦(h)wak¦dau̇t adjective 1. : exhausted : worn out 2 2. : wacky 3. : stoned * * * /hwakt owt , wakt /, adj … Useful english dictionary
whacked-out — also wacked out adjective Date: 1967 1. worn out, exhausted 2. wacky < a whacked out parody > 3. stoned < whacked out on drugs > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Whacked Out Sports — is a syndicated reality television series which features professional and amateur videos of sports related mishaps and accidents, usually involving people being injured. The show has a comedic theme and uses a humorous narrative voiceover to… … Wikipedia
whacked-out — /hwakt owt , wakt /, adj. Slang. 1. tired; exhausted; worn out. 2. wacky; crazy. 3. stupefied or crazed by narcotic drugs or alcohol; stoned. Also, wacked out. [1965 70] * * * … Universalium
whacked-out — adjective a) intoxicated b) wacky, crazy … Wiktionary
whacked out — (Slang) tired, exhausted; crazy, weird; stoned, high on drugs … English contemporary dictionary
whacked out — American not thinking clearly or behaving normally because of alcohol or drugs … English dictionary
whacked out — adj. drunk; intoxicated … English slang