use something by something
- use something by something
use something by something
to consume or complete the use of something by a specified time. •
Please use this jar of mayonnaise by the last day of the month.
Use this one by next week.
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use (something) to good account — turn/use (something) to good account formal to use something to produce good results. She turned her natural curiosity to good account by becoming a detective … New idioms dictionary
use something up — consume or expend the whole of something the money was soon used up ■ find a purpose for something that is left over I might use up all my odd scraps of wool to make a scarf ■ be used up informal (of a person) be worn out, esp. with overwork she… … Useful english dictionary
use something up — consume or expend the whole of something. → use … English new terms dictionary
could use something — spoken phrase used for saying that someone or something needs a particular thing very much You both look as if you could use a drink. Thesaurus: wanting or needing somethingsynonym Main entry: use … Useful english dictionary
use - used - used to — ◊ use If you use something, you do something with it in order to achieve a particular result. They used the money to buy foreign technology. You can use a cheque. It is better not to use a knife. The … Useful english dictionary
could use something — spoken used for saying that someone or something needs a particular thing very much You both look as if you could use a drink … English dictionary
I could use something — I, you, etc. could use sth idiom (informal) used to say that you would like to have sth very much • I think we could all use a drink after that! Main entry: ↑useidiom … Useful english dictionary
you could use something — I, you, etc. could use sth idiom (informal) used to say that you would like to have sth very much • I think we could all use a drink after that! Main entry: ↑useidiom … Useful english dictionary
use — use1 [ juz ] verb *** ▸ 1 do something with tool etc. ▸ 2 get benefit from something ▸ 3 take amount from supply ▸ 4 treat someone in unfair way ▸ 5 take illegal drugs ▸ 6 say particular words ▸ 7 call yourself something ▸ + PHRASES 1. )… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
use — use1 W1S1 [ju:z] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(use something)¦ 2¦(amount of something)¦ 3¦(treat somebody unfairly)¦ 4¦(an advantage)¦ 5 could use something 6¦(word)¦ 7¦(drugs)¦ Phrasal verbs use something<=>up ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date … Dictionary of contemporary English
use — 1 /ju:z/ verb (T) 1 USE STH if you use a particular tool, method, service, ability etc, you do something with that tool, by means of that method etc, for a particular purpose: Can I use your phone? | More people are using the library than ever… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English