- upshot of something
- the upshot of somethingFig. the result or outcome of something. •
The upshot of my criticism was a change in policy.
•The upshot of the argument was an agreement to hire a new secretary.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
The upshot of my criticism was a change in policy.
•The upshot of the argument was an agreement to hire a new secretary.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
upshot of something — the upshot (of something) phrase the result of a process or an event The upshot was that he was banned from driving. Thesaurus: general words for results and outcomessynonym Main entry: upshot … Useful english dictionary
upshot (of something) — n. the result of something; the outcome of something. □ The upshot of it all was that we don’t get the new coffeepot. □ And the upshot was a new manager and raises for everyone … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
the upshot of something — the upshot (of something) phrase the result of a process or an event The upshot was that he was banned from driving. Thesaurus: general words for results and outcomessynonym Main entry: upshot … Useful english dictionary
upshot — up|shot [ ʌp,ʃat ] noun the upshot (of something) the result of a process or an event: The upshot was that they suspended his driver s license … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
upshot — UK [ˈʌpˌʃɒt] / US [ˈʌpˌʃɑt] noun the upshot (of something) the result of a process or an event The upshot was that he was banned from driving … English dictionary
upshot — noun a) A concise summary. Im not interested in hearing all the details. Just give me the upshot. b) The final result, or outcome of something. The upshot was that they had to get married … Wiktionary
upshot — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. outcome, conclusion, result, effect, meaning. See judgment. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. conclusion, end, outcome; see result . III (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) n. outcome, result, conclusion, end result,… … English dictionary for students
the upshot — (of something) phrase the result of a process or an event The upshot was that he was banned from driving. Thesaurus: general words for results and outcomessynonym Main entry: upshot * * * the upshot : the final result or outcome of a … Useful english dictionary
Peirce, Charles Sanders — American pragmatism Peirce Cheryl Misak INTRODUCTION Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914), one of America’s greatest philosophers, mathematicians, and logicians, was a difficult and not altogether pleasant character. That, combined with what the… … History of philosophy
result — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. consequence, conclusion, outcome, upshot, fruit, effect, product. See judgment. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. consequence, issue, event, effect, outcome, end, finish, termination, consummation, completion,… … English dictionary for students
effect — n 1 Effect, result, consequence, upshot, aftereffect, aftermath, sequel, issue, outcome, event are comparable in signifying something, usually a condition, situation, or occurrence, ascribable to a cause or combination of causes. Effect is the… … New Dictionary of Synonyms