- upset someone's plans
- upset someone's plansFig. to ruin someone's plans. •
I hope it doesn't upset your plans if I'm late for the meeting.
•No, it won't upset my plans at all.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
I hope it doesn't upset your plans if I'm late for the meeting.
•No, it won't upset my plans at all.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Upset a duckhouse — upset (someone s) plans or calculations … Dictionary of Australian slang
upset — verb (upset, upsetting) –verb (t) /ʌpˈsɛt / (say up set) 1. to overturn; knock or tip over; capsize. 2. to spill by knocking over; tip out. 3. to throw into disorder; disarrange; overthrow or undo. 4. to disturb (someone) mentally or emotionally; …
upset a duckhouse — Australian Slang upset (someone s) plans or calculations … English dialects glossary
upset — up|set1 [ ,ʌp set ] adjective ** 1. ) very sad, worried, or angry about something: Why are you so upset? They felt too upset to talk about the incident. upset about/over/by: They re all still very upset about losing the case. get/become upset: It … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
upset — I UK [ʌpˈset] / US [ˌʌpˈset] adjective ** 1) very sad, worried, or angry about something Why are you so upset? They felt too upset to talk about the incident. upset about/over/by: They re all still very upset about losing the case. get/become… … English dictionary
upset — up|set1 [ˌʌpˈset] adj 1.) [not before noun] unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened upset by/about/at etc ▪ She was really upset about the way her father treated her. upset that ▪ Debbie was upset that he… … Dictionary of contemporary English
upset — 1 verb past tense and past participle upset (T) 1 to make someone feel unhappy or worried: I m sorry, I didn t mean to upset you. 2 to change a plan or situation in a way that causes problems: The delicate ecological balance of the area was upset … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
upset the applecart — to cause trouble, especially by spoiling someone s plans. I don t want to upset the applecart now by asking you to change the date for the meeting … New idioms dictionary
upset*/ — [ʌpˈset] adj I 1) sad, worried, or angry about something Why are you so upset?[/ex] They felt too upset to talk about the incident.[/ex] They re all still very upset about losing the case.[/ex] It s nothing to get upset about.[/ex] She feels… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
upset the — idi or someone s applecart, to disturb delicately balanced arrangements or plans … From formal English to slang
Queer one's pitch — upset someone s plans … Dictionary of Australian slang